Bumble Bee

DSC_0186 DSC_0188-1 DSC_0192-1 DSC_0194 DSC_0199-2 DSC_0208 DSC_0224 DSC_0227 DSC_0233
Sweater: Loft (similar) || Skirt: Dress from Modcloth (similar) || Boots: Ralph Lauren
Purse: Similar || Sunglasses: RayBans
“You can call me Queen Bee…”(I LOVE LORDE)

Yellow and black look splendid together, it’s such a highly contrasting color combination. The black surrounding the yellow really makes the already bright color pop. What I like most about this look is how it is bold and glamorous. But, I can’t help but notice, I look like a backward bumble bee with black and white stripes and a yellow stinger! Make note, if you’re wearing black and yellow, add some white or grey to break up the intensity!
Have a great Friday!


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  1. 2.1.14
    dana dimitras said:

    Love the touch of yellow to this look 🙂
    Do you want to follow each other, let me know on my blog?!


    • 2.5.14
      nidhiiipatel said:

      Thank you, Dana! I will definitely check it out!:)

  2. 2.1.14
    thedailylace.com said:

    hi! you look lovely! beautiful look! i like the sweater!

    • 2.5.14
      nidhiiipatel said:

      Thank you!!

  3. 2.2.14
    Lubna Omar said:

    You played the black, yellow and white tones perfectly! You do look like a bumble bee, but in a good way! 🙂

    Lubna | Elle Vox

    • 2.5.14
      nidhiiipatel said:

      Thank you! You're so sweet!:)